This week we began to look at the importance and efficacy of multi media learning as a whole. We began with reading “5 Examples of Interactive Teaching Styles” (2012.) that sited examples of how we can use multi media presentations and activities to accomplish this within the classroom. This resource was helpful as it showcased many ways teachers might already be using the multi media model. It also provided no prep ways to include more multi media style learning in the classroom with think-pair-share’s, using presentations etc.

The second chapter we read was by Richard E. Mayer and was the Introduction to Multimedia Learning (2021.) This article highlighted studies that examined the importance of this work and laid out the statistical benefits of using both text and visual aids to increase both retention and transfer of material. This article however was one big oxymoron it eloquently argued its point however used next to 0 visual aids to assist in the retention of its importance. There was minor uses of tables and figures if it wanted to highlight its point they should have increased use of figures, images, colour, and hyper links.

The chapter continues identifying different types of learners from Theoretical, Basic and Advanced models. I think people learn in many different ways depending on the subject matter, the day, their attention span etc. It can be limiting to chose one way a person learns and simply focus on these techniques. It can be a strategy to breakthrough to some students and try new approaches as well as understanding your classes preferences. When the chapter broke down learning styles further with 11 advanced principles it was more inclusive and described easy ways students can help themselves learn as well such as “Drawing principle: People learn better when they create drawings as they read explanative text.”

When the chapter discusses technology centred multi media education it touches on it not being long lasting and how it does not have lasting improvements in the educational field. This is a concern of mine as technology is ever changing and what is popular and functional becomes obsolete so quickly. It is important to stay on top of the new technology being released so that your lessons stay up to date and relevant. This is not necessarily a negative thing it just becomes more work for the teacher to constantly be revising, and researching new ways to stay on top of popular technology to introduce to your students. Between the learning centre and tech centred approaches I lean towards tech centred. The use of technology naturally creates a variety of levels for different abilities. For example you could create a simple website or you could have the student design, draw, upload photos, create blogs etc. Technology centred encompasses all abilities, creates flexible education, can be worked on at home, and follows students interests.

Richard Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning | McGraw-Hill Canada



Hill Canada, M. (2019, April 16). Richard Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia _____Learning. Mc Graw Hill; McGraw Hill. _____

Mayer, R. E., & Fiorella, L. (2021). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia _____Learning (pp. 1–16). Cambridge University Press.

Team, S. (2012, November 2). 5 Examples of Interactive Teaching Styles | Resilient _____Educator. ResilientEducator.Com; Resilient Educator. _____