First Year:
ENGL 135 : Academic Reading and Writing
EOS 120 : The Dynamic Earth
Math 161: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I
SOCI 103: Canadian Society
THEA 122: The Acting Experience
ASTR 101: Exploring the Night Sky
ENGL 146: The Literature of our Era
HSTR 230B: Canada from Confederation-Present
MATH 162: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II
Second Year:
EDCI 250: Elementary Field Experience Seminar I
EDCI 302: Literacy and Language in Elementary or Middle
EDCI 305A: Drama Education as a medium of learning I
EDCI 306A: Music in the Elementary Classroom I
EDCI 336: Technology Innovation in Education
EPHE 310: Physical Education for General Classroom Teachers I
ED-D 301: Learners and Learning Environments
EDCI 300: Mathematical Proccesses
EDCI 303: Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Canadian Education
EDCI 307A: Art in the Elementary or Middle Classroom I
EPHE 311: Physical Education for General Classroom Teachers II
Third Year:
ED-D 420: Learning Support: Context and Key Issues
EDCI 402: Reading Instructional Principals and Strategies
EDCI 403: Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary or Middle School Science
EDCI 405: Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary or Middle School Math
EDCI 469: Teaching Oral French
EDCI 306B: Music in the Elementary Classroom II
EDCI 330: Elementary Field Experience Seminar II
ED-D 407: Evaluating and Reporting Student Progress
ED-D 408: Promoting Prosocial behaviour: Strategies and Management
ED-P 351: Six Week Practicum (Elementary Education)
EDCI 404: Curriculum and Instruction Elementary School Social Studies
Fourth Year:
ED-D 421: Recognizing and Assessing Learning Needs
EDCI 441: Supporting Learners in Literacy I
EDCI 447: Teach English Language Learning
EDCI 490: Transformative Inquiry
IED 373: El Telniwt and Indigenous Education
ED-D 410: Teacher as Leader
ED-P 451: 9 week Practicum
Category 5 Upgrade: Continuing
AE 305: Drawing
AE 306: Painting
AE 319: Photography
AE 322: Digital Art
AE 303A: Ceramics Wheel Hand Technique
AE 308: Sculpture
EDCI 337: Interactive and Multimedia Learning
Category 5+ Upgrade: Continuing
IED 374: Indigenous Pedagogies
IED 375: Indigenous Language Contexts for Education
IED 473: Cenenitel Tw Tolnew: Indigenous Fibres