Hey Hailey!

This was very well said and I agree whole heartedly. The most important thing in any classroom I enter is building trust with my students.

Gaining buy in or participation for an activity is the single most important thing in a lesson. If students don’t want to listen or participate in the lesson they will not retain any of the knowledge. You reflected on the principal of freedom and I think providing kids with choice is a great way to follow this principal. I liked how you also acknowledged that choice might not work for all students. I wonder if next time you could reflect on a situation where choice might not be as effective.

I really appreciated our meeting this week and enjoyed getting to discuss the different learning principles and their significance. Reflecting on learning principles and teaching theories strengthens my teaching pedagogy and provides new ways to help me practice what I preach. I am thankful we will have teachers like you leading the future generations putting in the extra effort to create active and meaningful lessons for our students.


Steele, H. (2022, May 25). Principles of Learning – Mademoiselle H’s Education Journey. Mademoiselle H’s Education Journey – My Experience in the Elementary Education Program at UVic. https://mllehedu.opened.ca/2022/05/25/principles-of-learning/