Hey Oleg!

I agree, online lectures can feel very stagnant and one level. Utilizing screen casts or videos and adding in layers of editing, images, tonality, and personalization can help make lessons feel more alive. I enjoyed how you broke down the process to making a successful video and shared some helpful tips. You used TPACK to evaluate ways to make content better. As someone with sound and texture aversions I totally agree. Having low quality sound or distracting sounds can feel very irritating and distracting. I wonder if you demonstrated this process in something like a screencast or edited video you could provide a deeper understanding of what you are describing. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed your post and learning from a new perspective.


Correa, O. (2022, May 20). Blog #6: Multimedia Evaluation – Oleg Correa. Oleg Correa – Think – Thinking – Thought. https://ocorrea.opened.ca/blog-6-multimedia-evaluation/